Soft Xpansion Perfect PDF Master is a program that will let you create PDF files from any document. You will not be able to launch this program as a standalone application; instead, it will install itself as a virtual printer which will generate a PDF file when you use it to print a document from any program.
All you will have to do is select "soft Xpansion Perfect PDF Master" as the printer to use, and then the program will offer you to fine-tune some settings in order to modify the target PDF file to meet your needs. You can enter the title, author information, subject, creator, keywords and the path where you want the file to be saved.
You can also choose if you want to encrypt your PDF document and, if you choose to do it, you can choose between two different encryption methods. You will also be able to set which permissions you grant over your document. It is also possible to set which type of PDF you want to generate, and the quality you want the included images to have, since they will affect the size of the final file.
Once done, soft Xpansion Perfect PDF Master will produce a PDF file with no watermarks on it.